Manifesting The Potentials Within… For A Better Me And A Better World



Empowering Your Inner Potential Through Self-Awareness and Empowerment with Yoga Psychology.


Yoga as understood today is derived mainly from Hatha Yoga Pradipika, which focuses on the physical practices of Yoga viz. Asanas, Pranayams, Kriyas, Bandhas, etc. These practices do have an effect on the mind, but through a Somato-Psychic effect (affecting the mind through the body).

The Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali, which is an older and also considered as the authentic text on Yoga, is rather a treatise on the human mind – its components, functioning, plus the reasons of Distress and the various means to work on it. It thus provides a direct Psycho-Somatic approach that has for long, either been ignored or misused as advices or Spiritual preachings.

YOGA PSYCHOLOGY FOUNDATION has curated various programs to answer these and many such related questions.
These programs (give link to programs) seek to create Self-Empowerment though the process of Self Awareness so that the participant:

  • 1. Learns to understand and resolve their own issues.
  • Learns the key to success in whatever s/he chooses for self.
  • Becomes capable of giving back to the universe in whatever capacity (Healer, Counsellor, Doctor, Friend, Parent, Coach, spouse, etc) which is just a natural outcome.

Emotional Health Assessment Questionnaire

Chakra Personality Assessment Questionnaire


What We Offer

All programs are based on an integration of Eastern World view, esp. Yoga Psychology, Integral Chakra Psychology and Karma Yoga without compromising on the scientific concepts of Contemporary Psychology.
All programs have been designed with activities and exercises to facilitate a process of Self – Enquiry for the purpose of Self – Growth.

Yoga Psychotherapy

Diploma In Yoga Counselling (Level 3)

Chakra Alignment & Meditation

Psychology of Wellness


Emo-Energy Balancing


Dr. Atul Pednekar

Dr. Atul is the Founder & Director of Yog Psychology Foundation. He is an international author, speaker, trainer, counsellor, and Homeopathic physician. Dr. Atul’s vision is to reintroduce Yog as a means to restore physical, mental, and emotional health and empower people to find happiness and healing. Dr. Pednekar serves as a counselor at the Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT) and Ram Ratna Vidya Mandir. He has led over 500 workshops on first aid for merchant navy cadets and various other groups, emphasizing practical skills for emergency situations. As a former President of the Santacruz Medical Social Association, he played a key role in organizing academic and social events for the medical community. Dr. Pednekar has also conducted numerous stress management workshops for corporates, social groups, and educational institutions, reflecting his deep commitment to holistic well-being and the integration of Yoga into everyday life.

Life now remains a struggle to overcome these anxieties and illnesses, rather than using our potentials for achieving our real goals, whatever they might be.

We are all born with unlimited potentials to achieve whatever we might choose for ourselves; thus in a way, having the power to shape our own life and destiny; the potentials to achieve whatever we wish for ourselves in this life.

Our past experiences, however, end up shaping our behaviour in a manner that covers up these potentials under layers of delusions & misconceptions. This makes us believe ourselves to be either weak, sensitive, dependant, uncared, unloved, unappreciated, hated or any such negativity that may keep on hurting us or limiting our potentials.

Whether or not we are aware of these misconceptions about ourselves, we certainly are aware of its results in terms of maybe our repeated failures, strained relations or general states experienced as stress, anxiety, frustration or depression.

At a physical level too, it expresses in the form of various illnesses viz. hypertension, diabetes, migraine, fatigue, insomnia, acidity, obesity, psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, asthma, etc.

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What Our Clients Say

Yoga Teacher
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This course is beautifully designed. The integration of mind psychology and the holistic science of yoga blends seamlessly to help us understand the challenges we may have been unaware of, ignored, or neglected—and how to address them.
Mrs. Ketaki R. Jayakar
Senior Advocate, Mumbai High Court
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I found this program highly informative, enlightening, and of great practical value. The training was effective, and Dr. Pednekar excels at engaging with the students. He has been instrumental in bringing out the counselor in me, helping me resolve my issues and discover my own solutions. Since attending his Level 2 program, my sciatica has completely disappeared!
Ritika Kohli
Asst. Vice President; Banking Sector
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This program teaches a practical self-analysis technique that allowed me to take a deep look into myself, identify the root cause of my problems, and address them. The insights gained were eye-opening, as I had previously only treated the symptoms, not the root cause. By focusing on my relationship with myself, I experienced profound positive changes. The impact Dr. Atul creates in his students’ lives is the most meaningful aspect of attending his programs.
Manavi Asrani
Yoga Teacher and Life Coach
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The program helped me understand deeper aspects of my personality and why I behaved in certain ways. It also taught me to graciously accept others with their varied perspectives. I’m grateful to Dr. Atul for being such a dedicated, approachable, and insightful guide, who presents complex life concepts in a scientific and systematic way.
Malati Agneswarann
Ex HOD Nalanda College (Dance, Choreography, Research)
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This course had a significant impact on me. Dr. Atul, though gentle in his approach, insists on guiding students through self-awareness without offering quick fixes. He helps you explore your personality framework and supports your journey to achieving balance, staying by your side as you navigate your challenges.