Diploma in Yoga Counselling



Mode Of Session



disc fee Rs (35000)


10 am - 1 pm or
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Last Date Of



Healing is a process; it occurs step by step. It is only when we allow ourselves to heal that we can heal others. It is only then is our intention to heal others out of true compassion and not for any personal gains. This is also the practical part of Transcending Homeostasis where, after working on ourselves, we are in a better position to go beyond personal comforts/ aspirations and contribute towards the healing of others.

This 40 hrs program is the Foundation Course, designed to help you learn the technique of Introspection to unlearn the faulty patterns picked from childhood that come in the way of living our best lives. It helps us question our beliefs, understand our needs, and find answers for every question that could have ever blocked you.

Understand and learn the fundamentals of contemporary psychology, counselling, and healing with the Yoga perspective. This Diploma Program in Yoga Counselling is a practical training that puts you through a scrubbing machine to cleanse away all the blocks that prevent you from shining brightly.


Do you want to learn the practical ways to contribute towards the healing of others? The Diploma in Yoga Counselling integrates the best of Contemporary Psychology with the present-day application of the Eastern World View. In this program you will learn, experience, and practice: 2 Contact Sessions and 2 Non-Contact Sessions

Contact Training

Due to the pandemic, we started doing contact sessions online on zoom. These sessions are held over a period of 8 weekends, 16 days, Saturday & Sunday; 3 hours per session, total 48 hours. The concepts you will learn in these 16 days are given below

  • Introduction to the concept of Counselling and types of counselling
  • Counselling with respect to the Koshas
  • Studying the Carkhuff model of counselling
  • Understanding importance of Attitude training in counselling
  • Practising the skills of case taking
  • Developing leadership qualities that include good communication skills and the ability to motivate others
  • Orientation to the assignments that have to be completed during the 1st non-contact session period.
At this stage, the student has to complete assignments that provide a practical training to the learning obtained from the 1st contact training. The duration of this non-contact training is for 3 months, during which only field work is conducted and no classes are held. However, there are mentors appointed, who can be approached for doubts or difficulties. Also, we have developed simultaneous activities which the students are free to attend to hone their communication skills. Assignments will include –
  • Completing 20 interviews
  • Initiating and managing a social project
  • Submitting the interviews and the project report that includes your learnings from the project.

Non-Contact Training

Back from the training (both theoretical and practical) in Effective Communication Skills, the students attend sessions online on zoom for another 8 weekends (total16 days. 3 hrs per session, total 48 hrs). The purpose of these sessions is to learn the associated skills and gain a comprehensive knowledge that is necessary for being a successful counsellor. This training includes sessions on:

  • Fine tuning – Goal Setting and Goal Steps
  • History of Contemporary Psychology and Counseling
  • Neurotic Vs Psychotic conditions and scope of counseling
  • Learning Disorders – Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia
  • Common Psychological Assessment tests
  • Introduction to other Counseling Techniques (TA, NLP, Hypnosis, EFT)
  • Understanding the Yoga perspective
    • About the mind,
    • The causes of limitations of the mind
    • Different techniques offered in Yoga, to work on the mind
    • Different types of meditations
    • Going beyond the mind
    • Powers of our mind
    • States and experiences beyond the mind,

This forms the second part of assignments, wherein the student has to complete 20 cases in a prescribed format of counselling. There are no formal classes held at The Yoga Institute. However, mentors’ support and guidance is available for doubts or difficulties. Students are allowed to attend and observe live counselling sessions at the institute or other venues available. A period of maximum 3 months is granted to the students to complete these assignments and submit the completed case papers.
The Diploma certificate is awarded to the students after the successful completion of all assignments.

Who Is This Course For ?

This program is not only for counsellors, but also for parents, teachers, friends or even simple well-wishers.

Pre – requisite

  • Emo-Energy Workshop
  • Swadhyay (Level 1)
  • Chakra Healing – Level 2
  • Yoga TTC certification (Min. 200 hrs) from the Yoga Institute. If the participant has completed a yoga TTC program from any other institute, then they need to participate in at least a 7 day camp or  21 days better living course from The Yoga Institute, Mumbai.
  • Students who have not done TTC can join level 3 and simultaneously do TTC during their non-contact period. When they submit us a copy of TTC certificate, we will give them Dip. in yoga counseling certificate.
  • Those who want to join Level 3 program for Self-Development and have not done TTC nor intend to TTC, may join Level 3 but will not be eligible for the certificate.
  • Minimum 12th pass