Project Gurukul - Yog Psychology Foundation

Project Gurukul

Holistic Healing Through Yoga

Project Gurukul is about focusing on certain major groups
that can impact the society positively and importantly in large numbers.

Yoga believes in the immense healing potentials that reside within us; the potentials to help us overcome our health conditions as also the state of imbalance of our emotions.

Yoga focuses on 3 important areas to have these healing potentials activated:

  • Lifestyle Management through
    Right Diet, Right Routines & Right Disciplines.
  • Yoga Practices Including
    Asanas, Pranayams & Kriyas.
  • Stress Management By
    Balancing Emotions Through Thought Management.

Objective Of Project Gurukul

The objective is to empower these groups so that they can pass on this baton of empowerment to those they come in contact with. These groups are:

Schools and educational institutions

Medical and other healing fraternity