
Watch Your Thoughts; They Become Words, Watch Your Words; They Become Actions, Watch Your Actions; They Become Habits, Watch Your Habits; They Become Character, Watch Your Character; It Becomes Your Destiny,Understand and learn the fundamentals of Reflection and find the answers you have been looking for in this detailed workshop that offers you the tools to function and organise your deep-seated thought patterns.



14 - 25 October


Energy Exchange:- Rs 17,000
Early Bird Discount- Rs 15,000
(Disc valid till 4th Oct)




10.00 am to 1.00 pm or
5:30pm to 8:30pm

What Will You Learn ?

Ever given a thought of what comes in your way while manifesting the greatest potential? This course is designed to unlearn and relearn associations you build right from your childhood that serves as a hurdle in living your best life. It helps you to question your beliefs, understand your needs, and find the answers.This course is equipped with in-depth discussions, guided activities, meditations, and homework for working with the hurdles that we believe block our growth and serve as a hindrance in our happiness.
  • The difference between Anxiety and Fear
  • Yogic concepts like chitta bhoomi, avidya, and kleshas
  • Our current belief systems and how they have been shaped
  • Finding out what it is that is creating an imbalance within
  • The purpose of behaviour
  • How to create positive affirmations for our individualised needs
  • How to set focused and meaningful goals
  • The tools for developing self-awareness
  • Guided meditations
  • Asana practice

Who is This Course for ?

This is a program for those who want to create a shift in their awareness and use that to find their answers. It is suitable for complete beginners as well as those already on the path of yoga. All you need is the courage to look within, an openness to question long held beliefs, and faith in your potentials.

Pre – Requisite

1.You don’t have to do an Emo-Energy Balancing workshop to Join Swadhyay (Level 1).
2.IF you plan to join Chakra Healing (Level 2) then Emo-Energy Balancing workshop and Swadhyay both courses are mandatory)

Road Map Of The Course

  • Introduction to the concept of Swadhyay, its purpose, types, advantages and disadvantages of the 2 types of Swadhyay.
  • Concept of Unlimited Potentials.
  • Necessary elements for Creating a Better Me.
  • Stages of Growth.
  • Obstacles in the expression of our Potentials/ Creations.
  • Understanding and overcoming Anxieties.
  • Chitta Bhumis and their role in Creation.

Understanding behaviour, its purpose and sources Chakra Meditations that can aid in a better Self-Expression..

  • Sharing – to understand the formation of My behaviour. Participants have the freedom to share what they are comfortable about.
  • Behaviour components (Norms) and its categories.
  • Sharing – Identifying personal behaviour norms.
  • Identifying and working on the major obstacle towards Swadhyay.
  • Studying these obstacles in further details and understanding it from the perspective of Yoga as our Kleshas.
  • Sharing.
  • Understanding Defensive behaviours and its types.
  • Understanding the different behaviour patterns and its relation to our problems.
  • Identifying the ‘Real’ problem from the ‘Presenting’ problem.
  • Confirming the Real problem
  • Converting the problem into a Personal Goal
  • Understanding the principles of working towards our Real Goals.
  • Creating the ‘Better Me’


1.It is compulsory for the participants to have 100% attendance for the Swadhyay Sessions.

2.If any participants misses any days session He/She will not be allowed to attend the further sessions.

3.Their fees will be forfeited.However,if they want to sincerely attend,they will have to attend the next batch by paying 50% course charges

What is the difference between the Emo-Energy Balancing workshop and the Swadhyay program?

There are different approaches to work on the mind
Our programs focus more on Thought Management which is introduced in the Swadhyay program.

However, since working on the mind can be at times difficult, it is important to be also aware of other simple techniques to calm the mind (both as a counselor as also an individual).

The EEB workshop teaches simple techniques to keep ourselves calm without the need to identify or work on our thoughts directly.