The Psychology Of Hypothyroidism


15 April - 8 June


Monday to Friday


12 noon - 4 pm


Rs 27,500 Online
Rs 33,000 Offline

Last Date Of Registration

13 Of April

The Psychology Of Hypothyroidism

If we were to study the functioning of a factory, it could be divided into certain important steps;

  1. A production line that goes into creation of the smaller parts of a larger product
  2. Assembly lines where these smaller parts will be assembled in various sequences to create that larger product
  3. Giving final touches to the product
  4. Keeping the employees pepped up and the machinery in good condition
  5. Keeping the energy lines active throughout (coal/ electricity)

If we were to compare our whole body as an aggregate of various organs and systems, it too can be compared to a factory that has different product lines simultaneously going on.

And if we were to search for one word that can explain that can describe these activities at a physiological level; the word would be ‘metabolism.’

And further on, if we were to search for one hormone that has a significant role in controlling the metabolism of our body, that would be the thyroid hormones (T& T4).

Hypothyroidism, thus is the condition when the levels of these hormones are reduced leading to reduction in the metabolism of body, expressing itself in the form of;

  1. Coldness of body and cold intolerance – due to lower heat production in the body
  2. Slowing of pulse
  3. Reduced appetite, torpor and similar states of lethargy
  4. Slowed bowel movements and constipation

Psychology of Hypothyroidism:

Is that the thyroid hormones control our metabolism or could it be possible that the thyroid hormone is a reflection of our body to carry out the various metabolic activities.

Going back to the example of a factory, we can ask the question as to when and why is it that a factory slows down its production. The answer is, either;

  1. When there is a cyclical reduction in the demand of the product or
  2. There are repeated losses incurred that could Demotivate, importantly the investors who may not shut down the entire factory but may pull back investments which automatically reduce its functioning.


Patients having hypothyroidism are also seen to be affected by states of Frustration, Demotivation or Depression. But rather than being an associated symptom of hypothyroidism, it is also seen to be the reason behind this condition. Long drawn stressful situations where the results are either painful or severely against the expectations can gradually lead to demotivated states, further leading to affection of the thyroid function.


Counselling and effective Stress Management programs which have helped overcome the depressive moods, is often seen to improve the thyroid functions simultaneously.

Yoga interventions hence include;

1. Identifying and working on the anxieties/insecurities that are contributing towards the stresses experienced

2. Correcting the lifestyle that is responsible for the ill health.

The advantages of this approach are;
a. Very often the patient finds it difficult to correct the faulty lifestyle despite a dedicated effort towards it. This is because, these faulty lifestyles are not occurring by themselves but are usually covert symptoms of the various anxieties that we are experiencing. Working on our anxieties hence, not only helps us reduce our anxieties, but also simultaneously motivate us to improve our lifestyles.

b. Working on the stresses is often seen to create a remission in the disease state further reducing the dosage or the need of medicines. (**kindly note: you are not in anyways supposed to stop, reduce or alter your medicines without the advice of your prescribing physician.)

Who is This Course for ?

This program is ideal for beginners as well as those who are already on the path of yoga. All you need is a willingness to question your beliefs, openness to exploring a new perspective on stress and anxiety, and an inclination to jumpstart your journey towards a happier and healthier self.

Pre – Requisite

1.You don't have to do Swadhyay (Level 1) to Join Emo-Energy Balancing workshop .
I 2.IF you plan to join Chakra Healing (Level 2) then Emo-Energy Balancing workshop and Swadhyay (Level 1) both courses are mandatory.


1.After you register, kindly send your full name by a whats app message to +91-8369667701

2.Emo-Energy is a certificate workshop. Students will receive a participation certificate on completing 15 hrs of training session.

3.100% attendance is compulsory for Emo-Energy (i.e 5 days/ 15 hrs).

4.Students who don’t complete 15 Hrs of training in Emo-Energy Balancing (EEB) will not be allowed to register and join for Level II Chakra Healing (CH) program because EEB is  prerequisite for CH

Teaching & Certification

Course Attendance Criteria

  • A student is required to have a minimum 80% attendance After qualifying the attendance criteria, students can appear for the exam (100 marks). Details below: Details Marks Minimum Score Req. Theory Component 50 50%
    On successfully passing the exam, students will be .
  • Awarded a certificate – Basic Yoga Teacher Training Certificate (200 hours) by The Yoga Institute
  • Qualified by Yoga Certification Board (AYUSH Level-1)
  • Eligible to apply with Yoga Alliance USA (RYT 200) Post qualification, a number of opportunities are open to you, like:
  • Working with schools and teaching children
  • Opening your own yoga center for healthy adults and children
  • Working with corporates for their wellness programs
  • Personal yoga coaching

  • Exam Details

  • Yoga Students will be eligible to appear for the Final certification exams only if they have completed all the required course submissions, class work and the required attendance
  • Students will have to appear for the final exams within 60 days from the course end date
  • Students will be permitted a maximum of 3 attempts, to clear the final exams, failing which they will have to repeat the course.
    In the 2nd attempt, they will be exempted from either theory or practical’s, if they have cleared it in their 1st attempt.
    They will have to appear for both in case of a 3rd attempt.
  • Students can register for either online or on-campus exams.
    Once finalized, students will not be permitted to switch from online to on-campus and vice versa.
  • Examiners will evaluate students only as per the final approved list.

  • Exam Schedule

  • On-campus Final exams (both theory and practical’s) will be conducted on the last working day of each month, or as announced (in case of exigencies), between 10 am (IST) and 2 pm IST.
  • Online Final exams will be conducted on the 1st Sat and the 3rd Sat of each month or as announced (in case of exigencies), subject to a minimum quorum of 8 students.
    Theory exams will be conducted online at 5pm (IST)
    Practical exams will be conducted online at 3.30 pm (IST) / 6.30 pm (IST), subject to quorum.
  • Students, after submission, can log out /leave only with the explicit permission of the examiner.
    For practical’s - students will have to wait till the exams of all students are completed.
    The examiner may call out students at random and not necessarily in alphabetic order
  • A Mock test will be held 7 -14 days prior to the course end date, to familiarise students with the exam process.

  • Our Unique Offerings

  • You will have an opportunity to directly interact with spiritual Guru Dr. Hansaji Yogendra. She is available to attend to your queries and give counsel.
  • Our Yoga expert trainers for the 200 hrs yoga teacher training course, over 40 in number, have mastered the yogic way of life and are proficient in passing on their learnings in a simple and practical way. Armed with decades of experience, they offer tremendous value and insight to new learners.
  • Apart from the main yoga curriculum, you will learn immensely from the class experience itself. You will meet people with diverse backgrounds and experiences that you can gain insights from. There will be sadhakas of all age groups – right from teenagers to senior citizens. Every person has had a unique experience in life and it will be enriching to know all these stories.
  • This one-of-a-kind experience will groom you to calmly and mindfully handle people and situations
    "This is an exclusive experience, and the wisdom you gain here will guide you all your life!"

  • Gender
    Please select one of these options*

    200 Hours Yoga Teacher Training Course - 2 Months Yoga TTC Online and On Campus - English - Batch 2 12th Feb – 6th Apr 2024

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000 
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two:
    a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000

    For further details, contact

    Highly suggested for chronic and severe anxieties
    Swadhyay program – (INR 15000/-) Click here to register only for the Swadhyay
    Therapeutic Yoga Asanas and Meditation sessions 4 months (INR 10000/-)

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two: a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000
    For further details, contact

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000 
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two:
    a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000

    For further details, contact

    Personal counseling session to identify anxieties and work on them (INR 3000/-) 
    Therapeutic Yoga Asanas and Meditation sessions 4 months (INR 10000/-)

    Finding it difficult to make a choice?
    Feel free to contact us on +91 8369667701

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two: a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000
    For further details, contact

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000 
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two:
    a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000

    For further details, contact

    *SWADHYAY PROGRAM – Click here to register only for the Swadhyay 
    Highly suggested for chronic and severe anxieties

    *COUNSELLING SESSION click here to register

    PROGRAM click here to register

    * YOGA PSYCHOTHERAPY PROGRAM click here to register

    Interventions suggested;

    1) Psychotherapy program:
    a. Swadhyay program, esp for chronic and severe anxieties Rs.15000 Click here to register
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment: Rs.37000

    2) Option two: a. Personal counselling session to identify anxieties and work on the same Rs.3000
    b. Yoga asanas and meditation sessions (4 months) Rs.12000
    c. Monthly counselling follow-up sessions (4) Rs.4000
    Single payment Rs.17000
    For further details, contact