Yoga Psychotherapy

What Is Yoga Psychotherapy ?

Stress is caused by our inability to handle a particular situation and thereby lose our balance. There are some instances where we have managed stress and continued to live in a balanced state.

However, at times, we have been in a state of despair, hopelessness as well as constant fear. External factors such as the existing pandemic, lock – down may have also contributed to high levels of stress in most if not all of us.​

It is this extreme stress and the inability to handle it, that triggers illnesses be it hypertension, hypothyroidism, diabetes, panic attacks, insomnia, IBS, migraines, asthma and many more.​

Through this program, we aim to help one, identify the root cause for their stress/problems; thereby work on overcoming it, improve the mental well being and finally the overall wellness of an individual.

We will be using various techniques based on ancient texts – Yoga Sutras as well as Contemporary Psychology.​

Who is This Course for ?

Do you aspire to get rid of your illness through thoughts of wellness? This program is designed to help you learn the balance of the system of our body, the thought process of pathology, identifying the health and psychological issues and creating the thoughts of wellness.

Reiki and Pranic healers/ practionners

Yoga Teacher

Clinical Psychologists

Health Worker

What Do You Learn From The Course ?

A Curriculum created for all those who want to work towards Reducing the intensity of, OR Reducing/ Stopping their medications for; - Chronic Stress, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD - Chronic, Progressive Health Conditions Like Asthma, Thyroid Problem, Obesity, Migraines, Allergies, Heart Problems, IBS, Low Immunity, Insomnia, etc.

  • Manage stress 
  • Identify root expectation/sensitivities that causes stress Understand chakras 
  • Learn techniques to manage basic expectation

Limited Participants, Better Guidance

  • Taking into consideration the individual attention that needs to be given to every participant, the registration has been restricted to maximum 35. 
  • There will be a group of mentors that will be assisting the participants through the program. 
  • These programs are based on group dynamism where the learning happens from the sharing of the overall group but the most important person for the success of this program is you and you owning responsibility towards self-growth.



This 5 day/ 15 hrs workshop is designed to help you go inwards, learn to conserve your energy and understand the reasons behind the communications (both healthy and unhealthy) we use to strike a balance with the world


This 40 hrs program is the Foundation Course, designed to help you learn the technique of Introspection to unlearn the faulty patterns picked from childhood that come in the way of living our best lives. It helps us question our beliefs, understand our needs, and find answers for every question that could have ever blocked you.

Chakra Healing

This (5 weeks/ 75 hours) program is the jewel in the crown that takes you deeper into the myriad behaviour patterns that we encounter around us. The 7 major Chakras that relate with our 7 basic emotions are taken as the crux around which our entire behaviour revolves..


    • Yoga Psychotherapy Curriculum is a package of Emo-Energy balancing, Swadhyay and Chakra Healing. All these courses are a part of Yoga Psychology courses
    • Yoga Psychology offers 4 Courses in total :-
      1. Emo-Energy Balancing
      2. Swadhyay (Level 1 of Yoga Psychology)
      3. Chakra Healing (Level 2 of Yoga Psychology)
      4. Dip. In Yoga Counselling (Level 3 of Yoga Psychology)
    • You will receive a participation certificate for Swadhyay and Chakra Healing. Emo-Energy balancing is not a certificate course. We don’t offer a separate certificate for the Psychotherapy Curriculum.
    • A students who wants to register for Yoga Psychotherapy has to register for all 3 courses SEPARATELY.

Mar 6th-17th



Mode Of Session

10-11 am Or 7-8 pm


Rs. 15,000


4th Of March

Last Date Of Registration